Creare controller - Tutorial Symfony
Postat la Sat 20 June 2015 in tutoriale, symfony 2
Contrller-ul e partea de cod ce preia informatiile dintro cerere HTTP (Request) si genereaza un raspuns HTTP (obiect Response). Acest raspuns poate fi o pagina HTML, un document XML sau un obiect JSOn serializat, o imagine, o eroare 404 sau ce ne dorim. Controller-ul contine logica necesara generarii paginii de raspuns dorite.
Un controller poate fi generat prin 2 metode: manual sau cu utilitarul app/console. Ultima alternativa ne ajuta la generarea metodelor incluse in controller
php app/console generate:controller
Every page, and even sections of a page, are rendered by a controller.
This command helps you generate them easily.
First, you need to give the controller name you want to generate.
You must use the shortcut notation like AcmeBlogBundle:Post
Controller name: TutorialTestBundle:Pagina
Determine the format to use for the routing.
Routing format (php, xml, yml, annotation) [annotation]: yml
Determine the format to use for templating.
Template format (twig, php) [twig]:
Instead of starting with a blank controller, you can add some actions now. An action
is a PHP function or method that executes, for example, when a given route is matched.
Actions should be suffixed by Action.
New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions): indexAction
Action route [/index]: /
Templatename (optional) [TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:index.html.twig]:
New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions): newAction
Action route [/new]:
Templatename (optional) [TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:new.html.twig]:
New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions): editAction
Action route [/edit]: {id}/edit
Templatename (optional) [TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:edit.html.twig]:
New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions): deleteAction
Action route [/delete]: {id}/delete
Templatename (optional) [TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:delete.html.twig]:
New action name (press <return> to stop adding actions):
You are going to generate a "TutorialTestBundle:Pagina" controller
using the "yml" format for the routing and the "twig" format
for templating
Do you confirm generation [yes]?
Generating the bundle code: OK
Ce produce urmatorul fisier Tutorial/TestBundle/Controller/PaginaController.php:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | <?php namespace Tutorial\TestBundle\Controller; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller; class PaginaController extends Controller { public function indexAction() { return $this->render('TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:index.html.twig', array( // ... )); } public function newAction() { return $this->render('TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:new.html.twig', array( // ... )); } public function editAction($id) { return $this->render('TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:edit.html.twig', array( // ... )); } public function deleteAction($id) { return $this->render('TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:delete.html.twig', array( // ... )); } } |
Sunt generate niste pagini de baza pentru afisare in Tutorial/TestBundle/Resources/views/Pagina:
- delete.html.twig
- edit.html.twig
- index.html.twig
- new.html.twig
De asemenea sunt adaugate rute (descrieri ale actiunilor definite) in fisierul Tutorial/TestBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml (voi descrie aceasta functie intr-un articol viitor):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | index: path: / defaults: { _controller: TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:index } new: path: /new defaults: { _controller: TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:new } edit: path: {id}/edit defaults: { _controller: TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:edit } delete: path: {id}/delete defaults: { _controller: TutorialTestBundle:Pagina:delete } |
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