Sugestii, tutoriale - nov 2015

Publicat in Thu 03 December 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

20 Beautiful & Free Resume Templates for Designers

Why Pre-Built Websites Could be the Next Big Thing

Top 5 Material Design Frameworks for 2015

Simplify Command-Line Package Management with APT instead of apt-get

Lock …

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Sugestii, tutoriale - oct 2015

Publicat in Sun 01 November 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

Echo JS is a User-Voted JavaScript News Community

Enjoy CSS Generates Custom & Valid CSS3 Code

How To Install LEMP Stack On Ubuntu 15.10

12 Useful PHP Commandline Usage Every Linux User Must Know …

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Deploy aplicatii web cu Capistrano

Publicat in Sat 31 October 2015 in tutoriale • Tagged with tutorialScrie un comentariu

Deploy aplicatii web cu Capistrano

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Deploy aplicatii web cu git

Publicat in Sat 03 October 2015 in tutoriale • Tagged with tutorialScrie un comentariu

Deploy aplicatii web cu git

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Sugestii, tutoriale - sept 2015

Publicat in Sat 03 October 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

How Git hooks made me a better (and more lovable) developer | Wouter Admiraal's Blog

beLazy.js touts Lazy-Loading Images at 1KB JavaScript

Demystifying RegEx with Practical Examples

Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge? Impressive Web Browser Alternatives – Smashing Magazine …

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Sugestii, tutoriale - aug 2015

Publicat in Sun 06 September 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

Top 10 Remote Developer Myths Busted - X-Team | Developer Resourcing

The 19 Best Newsletters for Front-End Web Developers

The Composer Lock File

How To Find the Best Free JS Plugins for your Website

Open Source …

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Sugestii, tutoriale - iul 2015

Publicat in Tue 04 August 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

Speed Up WordPress Using Redis And Varnish On Ubuntu

Securing a Server with Ansible

How To Setup Ansible In Ubuntu 15.04

How to burn a CD/DVD through the command line

18 Free …

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Integrare Bootstrap in sabloane - Tutorial Symfony

Publicat in Sun 19 July 2015 in tutoriale, symfony 2 • Tagged with tutoriale, symfony, symfony 2Scrie un comentariu

Cei mai multi dezvoltatori nu au talente extraordinare in scrierea de CSS si cel mai des utilizeaza librarii CSS existe ce ofera cam tot ce e necesar pentru realizarea de interfete corespunzatoare pentru utilizatori. Dintre cele mai utilzate sunt Bootstrap si Foundation

Vom vorbi despre integrarea Bootstrap intr-un proiect Symfony …

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Utilizare sabloane - Tutorial Symfony

Publicat in Tue 30 June 2015 in tutoriale, symfony 2 • Tagged with tutoriale, symfony, symfony 2Scrie un comentariu

Utilizare sabloane in Symfony 2

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Sugestii, tutoriale - iun 2015

Publicat in Mon 29 June 2015 in sugestii • Tagged with web, sugestiiScrie un comentariu

Sugestii, tutoriale - iun 2015

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